Iseng-iseng me-reading kartu tarot

October 1, 2019

Halo kawan,  belakangan ini saya lebih rajin nonton youtube mengenai spiritual awakening. sebenarnya tema-tema seperti ini sudah lama saya senangi hanya seperti air laut pasang surutnya mood mempengaruhinya.

singkat cerita saat lagi menjelajah youtube nemu vidio mengenai reading tarot, meskipun sudah tidak live. judul dari vidio tersebut adalah ” kehidupan masalalumu * pilih kartu * ” dari channel tentang jiwa. host nya kalau tidak salah dengger namanya Ami, beliau dalam sesi ini membagi 3

masing-masing sesi diawali dengan 3 kartu dan 6 kartu jawaban, dan entah kebetulan atau memang getaran energi kegelisahan dari pertanyaan ” dulu ini saya siapa, jadi apa dan dimana” just informasi saya percaya dengan adanya reinkarnasi jadi hal ini masuk akal buat saya. dan amazing dari 3 sesi tersebut pernah dan sedang terjadi dalam hidup saya

so, bagi yang penasaran atau reading just for fun silakan dicoba ya…

October 11, 2011

“I can to be rich” that my mind always talk to me, yes I can do everything that I want. I believe life is what in Ur mind, what do U want. This  talk about my story.

When I still in Senior high school I have dream work in one place, the way to get someone special etc. and now if I flash back my journey of my life, I meet someone special that I dreamed before, and have been work in where ever I want. So if U ever read book with title “the secret ” U can understand

menunggu pagi

October 7, 2011

..mataku tak juga terpejam, dalam perjalanan mungkin hanya itungan menit aku hilang kesadaran dan tertidur. Pikiranku sibuk dengan hal hal diluar kendaliku mengobrak abrik masa lalu berangan masa depan dan menebak-nebak segala kemungkinan. Lintas Sumbawa Mataram 6 jam berlalu dengan lambat mungkin karena mata ini belum juga mau terpejam dan hilang ingatan.

On line shopping

April 9, 2008
E- Shopping. Why not?Lately everything is easy and all about activity make a simple. Because time is very important so anyone will look for do everything with easy and not use a much time for example shopping. For you to price time and you don’t have enough time for shopping don’t worry and be happy, you can shop from your place with internet. If you was familiar with e-shopping it no problem what kind of sigh to conscientious but for you who don’t know about e-shopping what risk and what advantage? Maybe this escort will help you before you make transactions.1. Find credible website with ask some people or look information from your friends or you can search and read carefully term of condition about the goods they sell and how they service a customers from e- shop website. You can try shopping from or for the fist time.2. Try find point from term of condition about cash back guarantee if goods we order crash or damage when arrive to aim address. If they are credible e-shop they will show about this point and not quite proper they address and customer service phone3. If you like local e-shop try to use cash on delivery paying method, with this method risk loose money when the goods not arrive can be side.4. Don’t give your bank account information or number of ID card, because this information cans be at fault if use with another people

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Tips and Trick Invest in E-Gold

April 9, 2008

Many kind of investment and ones is invest HYIP (HIGH YIELD INVESTMENT PROGRAM) and usually this program just accept in e-gold ( e-gold is another founds in gold in internet and can use for make transaction in internet like investment in HYIP ).

HYIP is program investment can call broker investment with e-gold and it has two type works:

1. For the fist time you must sign up before and make deposit and you can choose plan to invest usually HYIP have many plan to invest and how many you must make deposit. Andy then you can monitor your e-gold moving up and you can make withdrawal you’re earning manually.
2. The second type is you make deposit automatic from your account in e-gold and your earning with credit automatic to your account in e-gold.

So simple and easy making money, but don’t thinks simple like that program. Because everything investment program have risk and this include HYIP. And I’m the one how’s lose my e-gold in this program. Before I’m very happy my deposit make earning a lot till I can withdrawal my earning and get my deposit back. Experience is expensive teacher and in here I will share about this program how make investment safely.

1. Check status the H YIP.Make sure HYIP has exist for long time (over 2 or 3 years) because this program no longer to alive, Use domain detector like make registration domain with type URL HYIP and then click who is to see and looking status HYIP start from. The solid HYIP is no important you to make referrals another investor.

2. Check how many paid out well done and see about HYIP have monitor forum and active with forum (for the fist time HYIP always have monitor but will gone in 7 till 10 days). Chose invest with smallest value and shortest time or value you ready to lose get back your deposit.
3. After one day you check your earning from your deposit if it work make withdrawal and wait for several days to make deposit bigger than before (but be carefully to ad deposit, I did it but my ad is gone with my earning). You should be making deposit from your earning and withdrawal your deposit.
4. If your earning didn’t grow and your request withdrawal is pending for over 2 days so this time to say goodbye your deposit so don’t ever to make or add deposit again in the same HYIP because this one is scam.

Don’t believe HYIP have guarantee and the true guarantee is your deposit can gone anytime. Happy make investment and good luck.